Looking to bring some relaxation and grounding into your life? Try a body scan – taking you into your body and present to what is in this moment. Helping you connect to how you are feeling physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Self Discovery
I am powerful, I am strong
I am powerful, I am strong were my mantra as I set out on my first attempt at a half marathon the other day. This is the story of how it almost never was and how I found the beauty in something that didn’t turn out how I imagined it would. When I woke up …
What I Choose to Subscribe to
Many of us subscribe to the lives that we live without much thought. Reflect on how many things we all do without thinking: we go to school, enter the workforce, get married, have children, and then continue participating in the ‘daily grind’. A typical day goes something like this: we wake up, drag our tired …
Discovering Myself
It’s funny how the things we do in life are so revealing about ourselves, who we are and where we come from. They provide opportunities for insights into how we feel about ourselves and what our core values are! I learned some things that I think I subconsciously knew including what I have inherited from …
Finding Your Joy
Many clients I work with are struggling daily to find their joy. When I ask them what they are doing to create joy in their lives, I often get a blank, embarrassed stare back in return. I explain that there is nothing to be embarrassed about, as we forget how to create joy in our …