Happy Spring? Struggling to connect with Joy? Challenged staying on track with healthy coping? Tired of staying positive feeling how you are feeling? Longing for other adult interaction where you can share in an environment of acceptance and positive energy (a balance between sharing your challenges and finding things that may help)? Let’s get through …
Self Discovery
Mindful Activities
Are you struggling to be present – ruminating about the past or constantly concerned for the future? Do you feel anxiety a lot of the time and overwhelmed about how to help yourself? Want to feel more enjoyment? Bringing yourself back to the present and being attentive to the moments are great tools to support …
Self Love Meditation
Bringing love to yourself is often one of the hardest and most important things we can do. Consider that we teach others how to treat us – if we are not loving to ourselves, we give others permission to not be so loving. Conversely, the more loving we are to ourselves, the more deeply others …
Using Your Senses Meditation
taste, smell, vision, hearing, touch, intuition This meditation will help to ground and bring focus to the now. A lot of the time, we are focused on what happened or what is going to happen and we miss the present. Being in the moment and paying attention to our senses may help us become aware …
Affirmation Meditation
I am worthy. I am powerful. I am strong. Self talk is so important to be aware of. Our thoughts are powerful in determining our energy, mental health and well-being and vibration. Pay attention to your self talk – notice what you say to yourself and try to reframe anything that is negative. Try this …
Poem Reflection Meditation
Listening to poetry in a meditative state may help to being more insights as you connect to your body and breath noticing how the words bring about different sensations and emotions. Hope you enjoy listening to this in a different way: “My deepest fear is not that I am inadequate.My deepest fear is that I …