Want to bring calm and relaxation to the worry and stress you may be feeling? Try this beautiful visualization meditation to support yourself differently.

Colleen Fava – Psychotherapist
Counseling, individual and group sessions, workshops
Colleen Fava – Psychotherapist
Counseling, individual and group sessions, workshops
Want to bring calm and relaxation to the worry and stress you may be feeling? Try this beautiful visualization meditation to support yourself differently.
Feeling stressed out and anxious a lot or worried about the past or future more than you’d like? All we have control over is how we be in the context of the things happening around us. Try changing how you be – bringing more calm to your life. Try this calming meditation.
We are typically very hard on ourselves. Let’s try treating ourselves how we would treat our friends and loved ones. Let’s appreciate our bodies and parts and bring love and gratitude to them. Notice how you feel when you bring this love and attention to your parts.
Bringing love to yourself is often one of the hardest and most important things we can do. Consider that we teach others how to treat us – if we are not loving to ourselves, we give others permission to not be so loving. Conversely, the more loving we are to ourselves, the more deeply others …
Use all of your senses – to be present and in-the-moment with your body and environment. This type of meditation may help with grounding and bring about more enjoyment to your life. Less past and future rumination and more about being in-the-now. Try it indoors or outdoors…in nature…while listening to music. Enjoy yourself!
taste, smell, vision, hearing, touch, intuition This meditation will help to ground and bring focus to the now. A lot of the time, we are focused on what happened or what is going to happen and we miss the present. Being in the moment and paying attention to our senses may help us become aware …